
This disease puts you in danger everywhere you sleep

Mike walked into the clinic the other day, somewhat embarrassed that he had dozed off at work and had been caught by his supervisor so many times that it had affected his work. The doctor recommended that he undergo sleep monitoring to find out why. The results of the monitoring surprised the doctors present. Mike was having a tougher time in sleep than when he was awake: every time he just fell asleep, his breathing would suddenly stop until he was woken up by being suffocated to catch a few ragged breaths, and then when he went back to sleep, his breathing would stop again. This repetitive process was disturbing to the doctors. In the morning, Mike told the doctor with a relaxed face that he felt like he was sleeping well, that he could fall asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, and that he could sleep until morning. However, the doctors on duty shook their heads, stating that they had been keeping an alarmed eye on him all night for fear that something might happen to him. Mike's condition was severe sleep apnea the doctors were well aware that without timely intervention, Mike could be in danger of losing his life. Mike listened and realized the seriousness of the problem, treating and improving his sleep quality to avoid another similar accident.


According to the international classification, there are five categories of sleep apnea, and almost 20 kinds of diseases, among which the most "famous" is "adult obstructive sleep apnea", which is generally called OSA. OSA is a "big star" among men because more men are suffering from this disease, while women are relatively fewer. OSA also "favours" older or heavier people, with age and weight gain, the more it likes to "haunt" you. OSA also "favours" older or heavier people. People with OSA have many dreams at night that can be made into a series, but during the day, they are always like lazy bears, listless. Not only that, they are especially prone to temper, like a "time bomb", that may explode at any time. In this way, work and life can be affected by a lot. What's worse, for a long time, their memory is like "slow playback", and they are prone to make mistakes as if they have entered the "Alzheimer's" mode in advance. Moreover, because the night always lacks oxygen and wakes up, their body to enter the "combat state", so many diseases are more likely to come to the door.


With this symptom, sleeping at night becomes dangerous. Many people with this condition purchase a sleep apnea machine, and when it comes to adult sleep apnea, home-based non-invasive ventilator therapy is a "big deal" and the medical community recognizes its power. Not only do patients need to find an affordable machine that works for them, but they also need to set the pressure of the treatment like a stereo. If the pressure is high, it is like being strangled and unable to breathe; if the pressure is low, it is like no treatment at all. Don't worry, there is a good way to "artificial pressure titration", find a suitable volume and sound effects, in the sleep centre to help you complete the first treatment of the ventilator. During the process, polysomnography is used to observe your sleep, and once apnea is detected, the doctor adjusts the mode and pressure of the ventilator like a remote-controlled drone, slowly finding the most suitable mode and the smallest therapeutic pressure for you.

After buying a ventilator, you have to use it for one month, and then return to the clinic for a follow-up with the "Ventilator Use Report". This report is like a "diary" of the ventilator, recording its daily work, these data are derived from the small memory card of the ventilator, which is especially true. With this report, doctors can see at a glance whether your apnea has improved, whether the pressure is just right, and whether there is any leakage of air and these small problems. Then, doctors will adjust the settings of the ventilator a little bit to make it more suitable for the patient's needs.


Seeing as it's not hard to say goodbye to a sleep disorder, after all, this disease not only acts like a ticking time bomb with danger lurking around you at all times, but it also prevents you from getting enough rest during your only time off in the day. However, with a ventilator, I'm sure you'll be able to have a safe and relaxing night's sleep.